Before & After Series

Rings Soldered Together
On this edition of the Weekly Before and After series, we don’t have severe damage, but rather a frequently requested ring service: soldering rings together. The most common types of rings, like these diamond ones, soldered together are an engagement ring and a wedding band.
There are pros and cons to this process.
Pro’s – Soldering keeps them aligned at all times, prevents them from spinning around on your finger, and prevents them from rubbing against one another causing wear and tear to both rings.
Con’s – Soldering does prevent you from having the flexibility of wearing the wedding band by itself.

If you decide to solder the rings together, it then just comes down to two simple processes.
- Aligning the rings properly
- Applying heat to solder them together
The soldering process is simple, it’s execution varies on the experience of the jeweler. Mistakes include: not heating evenly, not enough heat, bad joins, etc. But there’s no need to worry, we staff only experienced Master Jewelers at our facilities.
After that we just performed a Clean & Polish and there we go!
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That’s All Folks!
Thank you for taking the time to visit the latest addition to our Before and After Series! Don’t worry, we will be showcasing many more of our major transformations very soon.
My Jewelry Repair
Before & After #13