My Jewelry Repair is proud to support The Humane Society of the United States, who with your help, fights the big fights working to end all forms of animal cruelty.
All animals deserve our compassion, respect and a life free from cruelty and neglect.
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) fights to end animal suffering. Their cause has millions of supporters, and with their affiliates, they rescue and care for thousands of animals every year. It is why they are the nation’s most effective animal protection organization.
My Jewelry Repair is running a fundraising campaign assisting The HSUS in gathering donations to support their cause. This campaign will run from October 2019 into early January 2020.
To learn more about the HSUS, visit their website at www.humanesociety.org
You can help! From one-time gifts, to monthly donations, you can join the big fight today!

All donations are made directly to The HSUS. My Jewelry Repair does not receive any of the proceeds.