A Testimonial Letter For A Pocket Watch Repair
Yelp and Google reviews will always make us happy, but every once in a while we will receive a full letter-style-email. We get very few of these kinds of testimonials, but they always mean a lot to us. Today we share a very meaningful one from a customer named John:
“I recently worked with My Jewelry Repair to restore my grandfather’s pocket watch — a gold open-faced timepiece made by Quebecois watchmaker Emile Jacot. It’s a stately piece of jewelry with a long gold chain, an elegant white face, 24 dials and a stem wind. It carries many sweet memories of the times we spent together.
A railroad engineer for both freight and passenger Amtrak trains in upstate New York, my grandfather often passed through Montreal on his routes, where he must have been when he purchased this watch. I loved riding the train with him. When I was a kid, we took the three-hour train ride from Albany to New York City together to attend a baseball game at Yankee Stadium, and I have vivid memories of how cool it was to have full access to the train (and how scared I was when we walked into the hot and noisy engine room).
My father came across the watch when sorting my grandfather’s affairs after his death. He knew how fond I was of him, and so gifted it to me. It isn’t worth a ton of money, but it holds a lot of sentimental value, and I felt a duty to honor my grandfather by bringing the piece back to working order.
The trouble: It was in need of some serious TLC. It hadn’t been used, let alone maintained, in over 20 years, and I had no idea what repairing this type of watch would entail. When researching the watchmaker, I came across myjewelryrepair.com, which is based in Rancho Cucamonga — just 15 minutes away from my home in Upland, CA. Though the sound of a mail-in jewelry repair service might be odd for some, I was reassured by their excellent reviews and timely responses. I completed an online form and arranged for shipment at the company’s expense — a nice benefit when making a potentially expensive repair.
About three days later, I received confirmation that my watch had been received. The company was extremely communicative throughout the whole process. Due to the watch’s age, my horologist (watchmaker) notified me that he would need to order specialized parts. He let me know exactly how long this would take, and then wrote me when he started on the repairs. About two weeks after my initial submission, I received the watch back at my doorstep in great shape, for a very fair price.

Overall, I was very pleased with how My Jewelry Repair was able to restore this relic of our family history. Because of their work, I can feel confident that it will live on for me to pass down to my son. One day, he’ll be the keeper of those memories of my grandfather and I riding the train together. Until then, I’m grateful that it’s still ticking.”
− John M., Upland, CA
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