
When The Proposal Was Too Creative – 5 Proposal Blunders

[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Custom_HTML”][/siteorigin_widget] Are you thinking about proposing this Valentine’s Day? If yes, how you are going to pop the question is a big decision. The story of your proposal will be told over, and over again, and possibly captured on video forever. No pressure! A creative proposal can be memorable …

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Creative Proposal Ideas

When a person proposes to their partner, it’s always something that needs a significant amount of thought. A certain type of couple might necessitate a certain type of proposal. For instance, if your partner is not a fan of public speaking and is uncomfortable being the center of attention, maybe …

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Newly Engaged and Wanting to Know More About Ring Sizing?

[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Custom_HTML”][/siteorigin_widget] Congratulations on your Engagement! We know you have so many things to do now that you will be planning a wedding, and one of the first things on the list is more than likely having your engagement ring sized. The Basics of Ring Sizing The most common size …

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Post-Holiday Gift Reparations

[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Custom_HTML”][/siteorigin_widget] So another holiday season has came and went — maybe some went more smoothly than others. If you got a loved one’s size wrong when it comes to rings, or if you need link additions or removals on your watches, My Jewelry Repair has an easy, online, mail-in …

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Bracelets As A Gift

A Great Gift With A Variety Of Styles Bracelets are a great gift, especially since the average 7 inch bracelet fits most wrists, you don’t need to worry about the size, and there are so many different styles of bracelets available. Bracelets get a tremendous amount of wear and tear …

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5 Gift Card Alternatives to Boost Your Originality this Holiday Season

[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Custom_HTML”][/siteorigin_widget] Tis the season for gift giving, which means that millions of people will be crowding into malls, or at the very least hovering over gift card kiosks for last minute gift ideas. My Jewelry Repair would like to remind folks that there are more original avenues than the …

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How To Get The Perfect Fit – Ring Sizing

What You Need To Know About Ring Sizing There are many questions to ask when determining the size needed in order to get the perfect fit for your new ring. • It is important to know that our finger size can change throughout the day, usually our fingers are the …

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Heirloom Jewelry & Watches – Sentimental Gifting

[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Custom_HTML”][/siteorigin_widget] Heirloom Jewelry Can Mean A Lot Heirloom jewelry is more than just a piece of jewelry or a watch, heirloom jewelry is defined as jewelry passed down from one generation to the next. Jewelry and watches are the most common heirloom pieces. Grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, and fathers passing …

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